Captain’s knock

  • IndiaGlitz, [Thursday,August 11 2005]

The hero doesn't hold back on screen as he gives as good as he gets it.

Little wonder that his fans are no different.

We are talking about ‘Captain’ Vijayakanth and his band of dedicated followers.

Even before his first political conference could kick off,Captain fans in Karaikudi entered into fisticuffs with DMK cadres after a wall, whose poster and painting proprietorial rights were ostensibly with Vijayakanth’s men, was defaced by the DMK cadres.

Vijayakanth fans have painted in walls inviting all their cadres for the political conference slated for 14 September in Madurai. When some DMK men defaced the wall paintings and stuck posters of their party's meeting in Karaikudi, agitated Captain fans picked up a wordy duel with them which ended in fisticuffs.

Finally, police arrived on the spot to pacify the crowd that come to blows.

Well, fireworks seem to have started even before the formal entry of Captain to politics.

Well, what else could this lead to?